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Kverneland 7710 Bale Wrapper
Kverneland 7710 (2019) Bale Wrapper on 3 point, c.w Remote Control. As New. Please call for more information £4,500
Superior SH4000 Mobile Roller Mill
Superior SH4000 Mobile Roller Mill, 50cm Roller. Good Condition. Please call for more information £5,000
Rivakka Greenmaker G9
Rivakka Greenmaker G9 70cm Mobile Crimpler on 3 point. Very Tidy. Please call for more information £8,000
New Loader Buckets with Euro Brackets
New Loader Buckets with Euro Brackets 5ft £600 6ft £700 7ft £750 8ft £800 Please call for more information
New Tractor Muck Grabs with Euro Brackets
New Tractor Muck Grabs with Euro Brackets & Pipes 5ft £1,300 6ft £1,400 7ft £1,600 Please call for more...
Ritchie Galvanised Folding Harrows
Ritchie Galvanised Folding Harrows 4 mtr £1,500 4 mtr Hyd. Fold £2,000 6 mtr Hyd. Fold £2,600 Please call for more...
Jarmet Galv. Folding Chain Harrows
Jarmet Galv. Folding Chain Harrows 3mtr Galv. £1,150 4mtr Galv. £1,400 5mtr Galv. Hyd. Fold £2,100 6mtr Galv. Hyd....
Fleming End tow Roller 12ft
Fleming End tow Roller 12ft x 36” x 12mm. Please call for more information