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HARPER ADAMS: Harper Cymru End of Year

Harper Cymru End of Year 2023
The academic year is over, so what’s been keeping the Harper Cymru students busy during a sunny June? Tractors and machinery of course!

Mae’r flwyddyn academaidd drosodd, felly beth sy’n cadw myfyrwyr Harper Cymru yn frysur yn ystod Mehefin heulog?  Tractors a peiriannau wrth gwrs!


For many students, this period comes around quickly and as a shock – it’s a drastic change from day to day student life, with many returning home to work or going far afield to begin work placements.   As a result, keeping in touch with one another is often much harder than when in university. So, we’ve made it our aim to keep in touch with one another using social media such as Snapchat, Instagram or BeReal. The industry is becoming increasingly aware of the mental health issue within it, therefore, to continue with tackling the problem, we at Harper Cymru are keeping in touch by showing each other what we are all getting up to over the summer months away from university. 

This month’s topic of choice was ‘Agricultural Kit’, here is a chance for all of you to see what kit we’re operating at home or where we work and to see what we’re all doing away from all the time spent at the pub – and studying of course – in university!

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Second year Rural Estates & Land Management student Owain Wigley from Arddleen, Welshpool has returned home for a short while to help on the home dairy farm before beginning a work placement. Here is his New Holland 7030 and 14 tonne Richard Western trailer ready for silage.

Final year Agricultural Engineering student Rhodri Williams from Whitland, Carmarthenshire has been touring Spain to learn more about Agriculture in Europe. Here he is with new a John Deere 8R series.

Tom Ellis, a second year BSc Agriculture student from Bethlehem, Llangadog spreading P’s and K’s on fresh seed arable silage a few weeks ago, using the farm’s modern classic NH TM125 and Kuhn Axis 40.2 fertilizer spreader.

Sian Jones myfyriwr Busnes Ameathyddol o Langernyw, Gogledd Cymru ar John Deere 155R a tancr slyri Joskin 16500. Rhan o griw Dewi Mark Williams ydi Sian yn wneud pob math o waith, o silwair a slyri i gwaith tir. I ddealltwriaeth Sian, hi yw’r unig ferch yn Ngogledd Cymru sydd yn gwneud gwaith contractio, a mae hi wrth ei bodd.  Amrywiath y gwaith mae’n mwynhau yn bennaf. Dechreuodd hi wneud y gwaith yn Seland Newydd yn 2020.

This is Sian Jones, an Agricultural Business student from Llangernyw, North Wales. She works for Dewi Mark Williams Contracting, and here she is on her John Deere 155R. The variety of the job is what she loves, and to her knowledge, she is the only girl contracting in North Wales. This is her third year contracting after starting out in New Zealand back in 2020.

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Dyma beiriannau busnes contractio Plas Coch, busnes adre y myfyriwr peirianneg amaethyddol, Jac Williams o Llannefydd, Gogledd Cymru. Mae’r busnes yn gwneud tua 3000 erw o silwair yn flynyddol ac maent hefyd yn cynnig nifer o wasanaethau eraill fel gwaith belo, slyri a paratoi tir. Hoff peth Jac yw torri silwair ar ei Krone Big M, ond mae o hefyd yn hoff iawn o’r JCB TM420S mae’r busnes wedi newydd prynu ar gyfer gwthio silwair. Os mae Jac yn blino gyda’r gwaith ar y peiriannau, mae’n gallu neidio mewn i’r parlwr godro i helpu odro’r 170 o dda ar y fferm, neu bwrw draw i’r cae i fugeilo’r ddiadell o 200 o ddefaid. 

This is Agricultural Engineering student Jac Williams’ fleet from his home’s business, Plas Coch Contracting, in Llannefydd, North Wales. The business chop around 3000 acres a year and offer a number of other services such as baling, slurry and tillage work. Jac’s favourite job is mowing silage on his Krone Big M, although he does like the new JCB TM420S which has recently been added to the fleet. If Jac ever gets bored of tractor work, he can always jump into the parlour as the farm milks 170 cows or he can check on the 200 head flock of sheep on the farm.

This is Hefin Owen, Farm Business Management Student and dairy farmer’s Massey Ferguson 7718. He believes she is the ultimate all round on-farm tractor. He uses this for all types of work from tillage work to hauling grass or slurry.

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Dyma Steff Lewis o Aberystwyth. Mae newydd raddio o Harper ac mae’n golygu dychwelyd i fferm yn Saffron Waldon, Caergrawnt, lle fuodd yn ystod ei flwyddyn gwaith. Mae’r ffarm yn cynaeafu 5500 o erwau yn defnyddio dau Claas Lexion 770. Mae 13 o dractorau ar y fferm – Fendt, John Deere a Case. Mae yna dri tractor enfawr ar draciau yna hefyd. 

This is Steff Lewis from Aberystwyth pictured on an arable farm in Cambridge. He has just graduated from Harper and hopes to return to the farm where he did his placement year. The farm harvest over 5500 acres each year using two Claas Lexion 770’s. There are 13 other tractors on the farm from John Deere, Fendt and Case tractors. There are also two Case quad tracks on the farm and one Claas 85E.

Mae Harri Gwyn o Chwilog, Gogledd Cymru yn fyfyriwr Peirianneg Amaethyddol blwyddyn cyntaf ac mae yn cael llawer o sbort yn gyrru a gwirio hen beiriannau fferm. Dros yr haf, mae Harri yn gweithio i’r busnes teuluol GR Owen & Son, hefyd belo ac aredig. Mae Harri yn hoff iawn o’r peiriannau hen achos mae e’n meddwl bod nhw’n llawer hawsach i drwsio. Dyma Massey Ferguson 188 Harri yn cartio gwair.

Harri Gwyn, a first year Agricultural Engineering student from Chwilog in North Wales enjoys driving old machinery. Over the summer, he will be working for the family agri repairs and fabrication business GR Owen & Son, as well as baling and ploughing. Harri is a big fan of older machinery as they are much easier and often cheaper to repair, being an aspiring mechanic. Pictured is Harri carting hay on his Massey Ferguson 188.

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Cadeirydd Harper Cymru 23/24 Ieuan Llewelyn o Frynamman ati yn magu lloi wrth wisgo’r het boonie newydd.

The Harper Cymru Chairman for 23/24 Ieuan Llewelyn from Brynamman, feeding his calves at home, looks like he misunderstood this month’s topic of Agricultural kit, at least the calves look good, oh, and the hat!

Hannah Burgoyne is a final year BSc (hons) Business Management with Marketing student. Her sister Lara is the current Harper Cymru chair. Here we see Hannah riding Lara’s horse (Sugar), checking on the contractors and the quality of haylage for all the horses on their livery yard in Arddleen, Welshpool. Nothing like good ol’ horse power, what do you think Sugar!?

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Harper Cymru End of Year 2023 11

Dyma pâr o dractors SAME o ddechrau’r 90au ar fferm adre fy hun – Aled Lewis – ger Casmael, Sir Benfro, ati ar slyri a gweddïo am damed o law. SAME Aster 70 ar cymysgwr slyri a SAME Explorer 90 ar tancr HiSpec 1600. Yn y cefndir, Mynydd Castlebythe. 

Here’s a pair of classic SAME’s from the early 90’s on my – Aled Lewis’ – home farm in Puncheston, Pembrokeshire, on the slurry and hoping for some rain after this dry spell. SAME Aster 70 on the PrimeX slurry stirrer and SAME Explorer 90 on a HiSpec 1600 slurry tanker. Castlebythe mountain in the background, part of the Preseli Hills. 

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