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HARPER ADAMS: Laura Burgoyne

Harper Cymru BBQ
Us students have arrived back at Harper Adams into our final term of this academic year. This is sometimes the scariest time of year for many students as many of us, like myself, are sitting exams at the end of this month.

Therefore, we began this term with our last Monday meetup, where we enjoyed a drink over some games and discussing the great year we have had, and most importantly relaxing before we began the real hard work.

As chair of the society, my key aim for the year was to organise a society annual dinner as there has not been a dinner since the COVID pandemic. The event was held at the lovely Hadley Park House Hotel in Telford on the 11th of May. 80 students attended the dinner from all years, courses and backgrounds, enjoying a 3-course meal, some unofficial awards, games, a few drinks and a boogie.

Harper Cymru Dinner held at Hadley Park House Hotel

We were fortunate enough to welcome former Harper student and NFU Cymru Director, John Mercer, as a guest speaker.  He mentioned his time at Harper and offered us some advice transitioning from being a student to working in the agricultural industry full-time. All in all, the event was a terrific success and a slight relief for myself and the other society executives. Hopefully, a number of similar events can continue for the Society as it grows from strength to strength within Harper Adams University. 

A huge thanks must be given to our Society sponsors this year, without whom we would not have been able to host such an event. With the help of sponsors, we have also been fortunate enough to receive funding for Society clothing – as pictured above, our new ‘MyBoonie’ hats arrived this month. 

As the academic year comes to an end, reflecting on the year is somewhat emotional as so many new connections have been established and the Society has grown into arguably one of the strongest at the University. The Society’s participation in university events has increased and will hopefully continue to grow in years to come. I am very proud of what the Society has achieved, and ultimately, proud to say I was once Chair of the unique, tremendous and passionate Harper Wales Society.

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