Pwy? | Who?
Fy enw i yw Aled Lewis, rydw i’n 21 mlwydd oed ac mi rydw i yn fy ail flwyddyn o astudio gradd mewn Amaethyddiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Harper Adams. Rwy’n dod o Gasmael yng ngogledd Sir Benfro ac adref ar y fferm ni’n gorffen gwartheg ar borfa i’w lladd. Mae’r sustem mewnbwn isel hyn yn siwtio ein fferm yn dda, gan brynu’r da stôr yn nhymor yr hydref pan bod prisiau’n fwy isel.
I am Aled Lewis, I’m 21 years old and am in my second year of study at Harper Adams studying BSc(Hons) Agriculture. I am from Puncheston in North Pembrokeshire where at home, we finish around 40 – 50 beef cattle from grass each year. The low input system suits our farm and coincides well with buying store cattle at cheaper prices in the autumn months.
Pam Harper? | Why Harper?
Ma yna nifer o resymau pan wnes i benderfynnu astudio yn Harper Adams…mae ganddo enw da am fod yn un o’r prifysgolion gorau yn y wlad am astudio amaethyddiaeth…
There are a number of reasons I decided to study at Harper Adams. Harper has a terrific network of contacts allowing access to some of the best opportunities for qualifications and jobs within the agricultural industry. Harper has a recognised reputation for being a top agricultural university and an amazing student lifestyle, which are all reasons why I decided to study here.
Pam Amaethyddiaeth? | Why Agriculture?
Mae’r diwydiant amaethyddol yn datblygu a newid yn gyson a dyna pam wnes i benderfynu astudio gradd mewn Amaethyddiaeth, yn hytrach na phwnc amaethyddol mwy penodol. Rwy’n teimlo fydd y gradd yma yn darparu’r dealltwriaeth a’r wybodaeth sydd angen arna i…
Agriculture is an ever-changing industry which is why I decided to study Agriculture alone, as opposed to a narrower agricultural subject, in order to get an in-depth knowledge and understanding of a range of industry specific areas, whether concerning livestock, crops, the environment or business matters. My favourite modules are Animal Nutrition and Animal Production Science as these modules will provide a good understanding for my placement year.
Ar ôl Harper? | After Harper?
Rwy’n optimistaidd am y cyfleoedd fydd ar gael wedi i fi raddio – unrhyw le yn y wlad hon, neu ar draws y byd…yn y pen draw hoffwn i ddychwelyd adre a helpu ddatblygu’r fferm, ochr yn ochr â gyrfa.
Once I have graduated from Harper I am optimistic about the opportunities available – anywhere in the country, or indeed, the world. I will undertake my placement year in North Yorkshire with a company called Cargill where I will be focusing on the animal nutrition and research industry. Following this, I would like to pursue a similar job, since livestock and the environment is my particular interest within the industry. I would eventually like to return home to farm, alongside a career.
Bywyd cymdeithasol Prifysgol | The social side of University
Rydw i wedi bod yn aelod o gymdeithas Harper Cymru ac yn aelod o Glwb Rygbi Harper Adams oddi ar i fi ddechre fel myfyriwr yma…mae bod yn rhan o glwb yn ffordd o gymdeithasu ac anghofio stress astudio. Mae’n rhoi’r teimlad o berthyn i rhywbeth hefyd.
I have been a member of both Harper Cymru and Harper Adams Rugby Club since I began university. I am currently one of Harper Cymru’s social executives, as well as the Rugby Club treasurer. Being a member of societies is an integral part of meeting like-minded people when at university. Clubs and societies provide a chance to socialise with new people and forget about the stress of studying. It also provides you with a sense of belonging to something whilst being at University.
Mis yma gyda Harper Cymru | This month with Harper Cymru
Mis yma bydd tri cyfarfod cymdeithasol a chyfle i fyfyrwyr y flwyddyn gyntaf geisio am rôl yn y gymdeithas flwyddyn nesaf…Dechre mis Mawrth wnaethon ni ddathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi wrth bobi pice bach yn Undeb y Myfyrwyr ac addysgu pobl am y dathliadau unigryw sy’n digwydd yng Nghymru.
This month with Harper Cymru we continue with social meetings three times a month. First year members will have the opportunity to make a pitch for receiving a society role for the next academic year. We decided as a society to celebrate St David’s Day at the Students Union by making Welsh cakes and providing people with some information about the celebrations that occur in Wales.

Photo: From Left: Bedwyr Owens (treasurer), Sara Edwards (Female Social Executive), Lucy Cunnah, Mynor Beech (Vice President), Aled Davies & Shaun Vaughan