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SPOTLIGHT: T Alun Jones & Son

T Alun Jones
T Alun Jones & Son, certified New Holland Agricultural dealers in Dryslwyn, Carmarthenshire, have supported local farmers across South, West, and Mid Wales for 60+ years.

Name of business/Enw’r busnes: T Alun Jones & Son


Phone/Ffôn: 01558 668383


What they do at T Alun Jones & Co? / Beth maent yn gwneud?

T Alun Jones & Son are proud to be fully certified dealers and servicers of New Holland Agricultural products, world leaders in agricultural machinery. Ideally located in Dryslwyn, Carmarthenshire, they’ve been partnering with local farmers throughout South, West and Mid Wales for over 60 years. A family-run business who believe in the importance of local relationships and that customer service matters. They are fortunate to have a loyal customer base, some spanning over 50 years.

Mae Cwmni T Alun Jones a’i Fab yn falch i fod yn werthwyr ardystiedig ac yn cynnig gwasanaeth blaenllaw ar gyfer cynhyrchion New Holland.  Mae cartref y cwmni yn Nryslwyn, Sir Gaerfyrddin ac maent yn cyd-weithio gyda ffermwyr lleol ar draws De, Gorllewin a Chanolbarth Cymru ers dros 60 mlynedd. Fel busnes teuluol maent yn credu’n gryf mewn creu perthynas lleol da, a bod gwasanaeth i’r cwsmeriaid yn bwysig. Mae’r cwmni yn ffodus bod ganddyn nifer o gwsmeriaid ffyddlon, rhai ers dros 50 mlynedd.

T Alun Jones
When was the business started, and by whom? / Pryd dechreuwyd y cwmni a gan bwy?

T Alun moved to Danycapel with his wife Sian in 1959. The business naturally started in the following years, initially as repairs and servicing, before securing a partnership with Ford in the 80’s. It has since grown to what it is today.

Symudodd T Alun Jones i Danycapel gyda’i wraig Sian yn 1959. Dechreuodd y cwmni yn naturiol o hynny, yn wreiddiol i drwsio a rhoi gwasanaeth cyn dechrau’r perthynas gyda Ford yn yr 80au a gwerthu i’r ffermwyr lleol. 

How have things changed in the business over the years? / Sut mae pethau wedi newid dros y blynyddoedd

Machinery has evolved significantly over the past 60 years, in size, efficiency and most definitely price. There are so many varieties of each tractor now, it is getting closer to the automotive business each day. The place of business has not changed, however they have needed to develop the site to manage the growth of the business, and have of course taken on more staff with currently 20 working with them. They are proud to say that some staff have been with them for over 30 years. 

Mae peiriannau wedi esblygu yn sylweddol dros y 60 mlynedd diwethaf, mewn maint, effeithiolrwydd ac yn sicr, pris. Mae cymaint o wahanol mathau o dractorau heddiw. Nid ydy lleoliad y busnes wedi newid ond maent wedi gorfod datblygu’r lle er mwyn addasu i dyfiant y busnes ac er mwyn sicrhau gweithle i 20 o staff. Maent yn falch bod rhai o’r staff wedi bod gyda’r cwmni ers dros 30 mlynedd.

What is the best thing about the brand they sell? / Beth yw’r peth gorau am y brand New Holland?

They have a strong and long standing partnership with New Holland, and continue to try and improve on market share for New Holland within the area. As a brand, the products are very reliable, and they have trained engineers who specialise in New Holland. The products continue to evolve, and in their recent open day they were able to present these improvements to their customers. 

Mae gan y cwmni perthynas da a hir gyda New Holland ac maent yn gweithio’n galed i gadw gwella ar y farchnad yn yr ardal ar gyfer y brand. Credir bod New Holland yn ddibynadwy ac mae’r staff wedi eu hyfforddi i arbenigo yn y brand. Mae’r cynhyrchion yn datblygu o hyd ac roedd y cwmni wedi manteisio ar arddangos rhai o rhain yn ei diwrnod agored yn ddiweddar. 

A little about the recent open day / Ychydig am y diwrnod agored diweddar

The open day was held at Gelli Aur College Farm. T Alun have a strong relationship with the college, and provide work placements for students, and have gone on to employ many of those students over the years. Such a relationship is so important to a business like theirs, and it is so rewarding seeing the students grow in experience over the time they are with them. The location of the college was ideal to hold the open day, and it was nice to give their customers something back. It was an excellent opportunity to showcase what they do as a business along with presenting some of the newer products the brand has to offer.  

Cynhaliwyd y diwrnod agored ar Fferm Coleg Gelli Aur. Mae gan T Alun partneriaeth cryf gyda’r Coleg, yn cynnig profiad gwaith i’r myfyrwyr ac o hynny, i gynnig gwaith iddynt. Mae partneriaeth fel hyn yn bwysig iawn i’r cwmni ac maent yn gweld y gwerth wrth i’r myfyrwyr datblygu gyda nhw. Roedd lleoliad y diwrnod agored yn berffaith iddynt ac yn braf cael rhoi nol i’r cwsmeriaid. Dyma oedd cyfle perffaith i arddangos beth mae’r cwmni yn cynnig ac hefyd arddangos peth o’r cynnyrch newydd. 

T Alun Jones
What is the reason behind the fundraising for Tir Dewi? / Pam penderfynu codi arian tuag at elusen Tir Dewi.

As a family and company, T Alun Jones & Son acknowledge the importance of a charity such as Tir Dewi. The work they do as a group, mainly as volunteers is invaluable. Tir Dewi understand the issues faced by farmers and emphasise the importance of talking as a first step towards finding a solution.

Recently, T Alun Jones & Son organised a prize raffle, proudly donating a new tractor, and raising an amazing £20,000 for this worthy cause. The lucky winners were Robert Bowen and Son from Lan Farm, Idole.

Mae teulu a chwmni T Alun Jones a’i fab yn gweld pwysigrwydd elusennau fel Tir Dewi. Mae rhan fwyaf o’r gwaith yn wirfoddonol ac yn amhrisiadwy. Mae Tir Dewi yn deall y problemau sydd yn gwynebu’r ffermwyr gan bwysleisio’r angen i siarad yn agored fel y cam cyntaf. 

Yn ddiweddar, roedd T Alun yn falch i rhoddi tractor tuag at raffl, a chodwyd £20,000 at yr achos. Gweler yn y llun ennillwyr y tractor sef Robert Bowen a’i fab o Fferm Lan, Idole.

What’s coming up for the business? / Beth sydd ar y gweill i T Alun Jones a’i fab?

It has been a busy year attending shows and events, and of course taking the raffle tractor around the country to sell tickets. The show season has come to an end with the Dairy Event on 24th October at Carmarthen Showground. New Holland are continuing to introduce new products and one of the most recent introductions is the methane powered tractor. New Holland are the first to produce a methane powered tractor, and they are keen to promote this product, giving farmers a cost-saving alternative to traditional fuels.

Mae wedi bod yn flwyddyn prysur iawn yn mynychu nifer o sioeau a digwyddiadau ac wrth gwrs yn gwerthu tocynnau raffl y tractor ar draws y Sir. Daeth tymor y sioeau i ben gyda’r Diwrnod Llaeth ar Faes y Sioe ar y 24ain o Hydref. Mae New Holland yn parhau i gyflwyno cynhyrchion newydd gydag un o’r pethau diweddaraf yn dractor wedi ei pweri gan methan. New Holland yw’r cwmni cyntaf i ddefnyddio’r math yma o danwydd ac mae’r cwmni yn falch i gefnogi hyn gan cynnig opsiwn pris llai am dractor cyffredin. 

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