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01239 613164 01239 682477 01239 698 415 01239 802802 01239 891618 01239710275 01248 421900 01248 670 643 01248 750075 01249 651059 01249 740377 01267 220231 01267 235 625 01267 235827 01267 237534 01267 237726 01267 290900 01269 832999 01270 781158 01286 830918 01291 690442 01299 832259 01341 241319 01352 719182 01352 721216 01384 270 888 01407 644644 01432 890300 01437 532213 01437 731306 01446 781711 01455 212942 01490 736 350 01524 781900 01543 444488 01544 340562 01554 890510 01554 891777 01558 650614 01558 668383 01558 821196 01558 822 787 01559 362 784 01559 370601 01559 371212 01559 395 325 01559 395235 01570 422110 01570 423436 01570471055 01588 638647 01597 829749 01630 638999 01630 639 888 01633 680754 01656 664155 01684 299104 01684 772912 01686 413147 01686 625010 01690 770240 01691 610177 01691 648411 01691 830308 01743 850000 01745 571018 01745 720286 01746 862786 01758 720 212 01782 788777 01782 819666 01782 898083 01792 869123 01829 771509 01834 831 653 01834 861904 01873 810304 01874 711317 01885 410271 01925 730075 01926 612 494 01939 232 440 01948 840465 01952 840 888 01952 881000 01974 209069 01982 554200 01984 880261 01993 773061 01994 231144 01994 240349 01994 240644 01994 241 566 01994 448310 01994 484 400 01994 484765 0330 223 0333 0344 800 3110 0345 222 0456 03458 120212 07398 534484 07707 168152 07711 403211 07721442979 07727 266380 07751 514848 07773 527214 07778 932886 07800 638277 07811 562065 07814 302363 07814 424228 07837 192506 07855 430260 07855 960835 07879 016798 07890 835001 07896 266194 07949 159296 07964 230592 07966 220535 07967 565 264 07968044770 07968371897 07969 998769 07970 283674 07970 481956 07971 491717 07974441525 07976 702858 07979 061250 07980 155756 07980 806 395 07980 842392 07985 754122 116 123 michaelgoulbournemachinery. com
01239 891376 01270 781165 01348 891306 01490 420355 01514 201159 01550 721810 01568 614504 01588 638638 01650 521214 01656 656355 01656 723 655 01686 430976 01745 812333 01745 860369 01789205132 01792 882366 01824 702 079 01874 618474 01875 623322 01938 580640 01981 241492 01981550480 07527 258655 07702332109 07717 654609 07747 775014 07748 784 087 07770 362512 07774 718018 07778 806 595 07791 179168 07810 880878 07812 074411 07816 511636 07817 367 848 07836 205766 07836 720286 07855 301107 07860 952435 07866 537 836 07887 591923 07896 273712 07966 053606 07966 544958 07970 017243 07970 421174 07970 591618 07970 648511 07973 629 693 07973 924730 07974 020037 07974955991 0800 772 0946 0808 164 0123
admin@teifihealth.co.uk aeronvalley@btinternet.com aledhughestractors@btinternet.com alistairduncanmachinery@outlook.com andrew@awilkinsmachinery.co.uk andrew@davidjonesnewtown.co.uk andy@andymellor.co.uk bmp.machinery@btinternet.com brassingtonagri@outlook.com brw17@hotmail.co.uk bwtractorsco@gmail.com callum@chmachinery.co.uk cameron@spa-motors.co.uk carmarthen@gwilitractors.co.uk chris@csmachinery.co.uk cliffjenkinsagri@gmail.com dave@dragonpower.org.uk devans2010@hotmail.co.uk dgdevonald@gmail.com dragonagriwales@gmail.com dylan@agripro-services.co.uk Enquiries@aandm.group enquiries@allpump.co.uk enquiries@cheshirefarmmachinery.co.uk enquiries@franksutton.co.uk enquiries@monatractors.co.uk enquiries@reevesofwem.co.uk enquiries@tdtyrerecycling.co.uk fronddu@btconnect.com glendjns@aol.com gwlithyn@talunjones.co.uk gwynmdavies@yahoo.co.uk hb@ontheyard.co.uk hiredesk@thomastoolhire.com hjragri@btconnect.com info@agritrend.co.uk info@ajfinance.co.uk info@amgenerators.com info@ampowersolutions.co.uk info@ardion.co.uk info@arrichards.co.uk info@arwelagri.co.uk info@dallaskeith.co.uk info@douglaswillismachinery.co.uk info@edwardsmachinery.co.uk info@emyrevans.co.uk info@enegis.co.uk info@ffensiomdfencing.com info@fuwinsurance.co.uk info@geraintjones4x4.co.uk info@gh-construction.co.uk info@hopkinsmachinery.co.uk info@huwthomasandson.co.uk info@jamesdaviessawmills.co.uk info@jphireandsales.co.uk info@lhp.co.uk info@masonbros.co.uk info@panddeng.co.uk info@pjfinancialsolutions.co.uk info@readymicks.co.uk info@riverlea.co.uk info@rnhconstruction.co.uk info@stamfordagricultural.org.uk info@teifywells.co.uk info@thepaintshopwales.co.uk info@tlthomas.co.uk info@westernseeds.com jo@samaritans.org john@jsrconstruction.co.uk johnhowellsplant@outlook.com juliangodwin@foxley-farm.co.uk justin@pritchardevans.co.uk llandeilo@dmp.wales m4trailers@btinternet.com mervbufton@yahoo.co.uk michael@croomconcrete.co.uk michaelgoulbournemachinery@gmail.com mike@mikeprycemachinery.com nigelbmachinery@gmail.com owain_llyr@hotmail.com phil@prroberts.cymru phill.davies@gemeni.f9.co.uk post@menaitractors.com postlethwaitegroundworks@live.co.uk r.o.davies@hotmail.co.uk rhys_j@hotmail.co.uk richard@coatesplant.co.uk ryan@ryanmartinltd.co.uk s.701smith@btinternet.com sales@clwydagri.co.uk sales@country-stores.com sales@davidtaylorgarages.co.uk sales@daviesimplements.co.uk sales@gbjones.co.uk sales@glsplant.co.uk sales@harrywest.co.uk sales@hydraquip.co.uk sales@jandcg.co.uk sales@jerees.co.uk sales@morriscorfield.co.uk sales@nwtrailers.co.uk sales@pallisers.co.uk sales@penlontractorparts.co.uk sales@powercut.co.uk sales@richardtayloragri.co.uk sales@robertdaviesmachinery.co.uk sales@storthmachinery.co.uk saracens.c@zen.co.uk Saycedw@aol.com seedawood@protonmail.com service@tegfangarage.co.uk support@quadbikeswales.co.uk tracey@jonesbrothersconcrete.co.uk trebstractors@gmail.com w.phillips@pl-agriconsulting.com websales@timberlink.co.uk westwalesplantltd@gmail.com whiteha.white@btconnect.com
2 Coedmore Ln, Adpar, Newcastle Emlyn SA38 9EH 40a Sturmi Way, Village Farm Industrial Estate, Pyle, Bridgend CF33 6BZ A & M Generators Limited, Kidwelly Industrial Estates, Pembrey Rd, Kidwelly, SA17 4TF A & M Group, Blewgyd, St Clears, Carmarthenshire, SA33 4LX Ael y Bryn, Llanboidy Road, Meidrim, Carmarthenshire, SA33 5QY Allpump Services St. Clears Carmarthenshire SA33 4LX Alwyn Thomas Used Tractors & Machinery Sales Erw Fforch Bethel Caernarfon Gwynedd LL55 3PS Andy Mellor Ltd, Edderton, Forden, Powys SY21 8RZ Ardion Industrial Doors Ltd. Blaenlliwe Whitland SA34 0SS B4310, Nantgaredig, Carmarthen SA32 7LH Banbury Farm WV16 6QN Bancyffordd, Llandysul, SA44 4SE Bensite Warrant Road, Stoke Heath, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 2JJ Benthall Works, Benthall Lane, Broseley, Shropshire, TF12 5BB BMP Machinery SA35 0BQ Brian Llewelyn a'i Ferched, Eglwyswrw, Crymych, Pembrokeshire, SA41 3TA Bromag Industrial Estate, Burford Rd, Minster Lovell, Witney OX29 0SR Brookhay Meadows, Brookhay Lane, Lichfield, WS13 8RL Brynamlwg, Talog, CARMARTHEN Bryngwelltyn Workshop, Cwmfelin Boeth, Whitland, Carmarthenshire, SA34 0RS C S Machinery Ltd. Tresewig, Llandeloy, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA62 6ND Callum Hughes Machinery Ltd, Higher Trederwen Farm, Trederwen Lane, Arddleen, Powys, SY22 6RZ Canal Street, Longport, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 4LU Canalside, Tattenhall Road, Tattenhall CH3 9BD Carmarthen, Wales, SA31 1DP Cefn Mawr Ln, Usk NP15 1PX Cheshire Farm Machinery, Grange Farm, Millington Lane, Gorstage, CW8 2SU Cilwaunydd Fach, Newcastle Emlyn SA38 9LY Clwyd Agricultural Ltd Terfyn Buildings Caerwys Road Cwm/Dyserth Rhyl Denbighshire LL18 6HT Corbett Williams & Son Limited Station Road Cardigan Ceredigion SA43 3AD Danycapel Garage, Dryslwyn, Carmarthenshire, SA32 8SD DAVID TAYLOR (GARAGES) LTD Granada Park Motors, A4077, Llangattock, Crickhowell NP8 1HW David W Sayce High House Farm, Garway Hill, Hereford, HR2 8EY Davies Implements Ltd Blaenteg Trevaughan Carmarthen SA31 3QN Wales, United Kingdom DGT Agri LTD, Old RAF Camp, Llanbedr, Gwynedd, LL45 2LS Dolau Brics, Llanwrin, Machynlleth, SY20 8QH Dolau Farm, Llandyfriog, Newcastle Emlyn, SA389HB Dragon Power Services Ltd Old Smithy, Field Street Valley Isle Of Anglesey, North Wales LL65 3EG Drws y Nant, Boduan, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 8UY Foxley Farm Supplies, R & M Godwin Farms, Mamble, Kidderminster DY14 9JA, UK Frank Sutton Ltd. Raglan. Castle Garage, Monmouth Road, Raglan, NP15 2HH Fron Ddu Betws y Coed Conwy LL24 0NF Fron, Talerddig, Llanbrynmair, Powys, SY19 7AW FUW Insurance Services PO Box 250 Aberystwyth SY23 9FJ G Bryan Jones Ltd, Love Lane, Bishops Castle, UK Gaerwen Industrial Estate Gaerwen Anglesey LL60 6HR Gelli Newydd, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire, SA19 8HD Gilbertson Court, Alloy Industrial Estate, Pontardawe, Swansea. SA8 4EZ Gilwen Garage, Velindre, Llandysul, Carmarthenshire, Wales, SA44 5YD Glyn LLoyd & Sons Ltd Y-Maes Wern Bach Abergele North Wales LL22 9PY Graham Heath Construction Ltd, The Old Creamery, Wrenbury Industrial Estate, Station Road, Wrenbury, Cheshire, CW5 8EX Greenfields Farm Four Crosses Llanymynech Powys SY22 6RF Gwarcoed Farm Maestir Lampeter Ceredigion Wales SA48 7PA Hall Farm, Hinckley Lane, Higham on the Hill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV13 6AL Hamstead Plant Limited, Oakdale Trading Estate, Ham Lane, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7JH, UK HARRY WEST (PREES) LTD Agricultural Engineers, Lower Heath, Prees, Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 2BT Hayfields Farm, Heywood Lane, Audlem, Crewe, Cheshire, CW3 0EX High Noon Garage, Whitemill, Carmarthen, Carms. SA32 7EN Hinton Cross Garage, Long Lane, Hereford, UK HJR AGRI Oswestry LTD Aston Enterprise Park Oswestry Shropshire SY11 4LS Hughes Tractors & Plant Hire, Gilfachwen, Llanrhystud, Aberystwyth SY23 5AD Hydraquip, 11 Stirling Park, Laker Road, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3QR Industrial Estate, llangefni, Ynys Môn, LL77 7JA J.P HIRE, Ger Y Nant, Gorrig road, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 4LG J&C Griffiths Agri Engineers Ltd, Black Mountains Business Park, Three Cocks, Brecon, LD3 0SD Jones Brothers Concrete Ltd Bagillt Road, Greenfield Holywell, Flintshire CH8 7JS JSR Construction Hill Farm, Chelmarsh Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 6AX Just off Junction 33 M6, Near Lancaster, Lancashire. Lampeter, UK Llain Fawr SY23 4QU Llanidloes, Mid Wales Llanrwst, Conwy Valley, North Wales Llys Deri Parc Pensarn Carmarthen SA31 2NF Maesyfelin, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 8LS Middle Lodge Farm Pewsham Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 3QX NB Machinery LTD, Underhill Farm, Dolau, Landrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5TL Neils Bobcat Hire & Sales, Brynhaulwen, Coed Y Bryn, Llandusul, Ceredigion, SA44 5JP New House Farm, The Lowe, Wem SY4 5UN Newbridge Sawmills, Cenarth, Ceredigion, SA38 9LA NFU Cymru HQ Agriculture House Royal Welsh Showground Llanelwedd Powys LD2 3TU Norton Yard, Lampeter Velfrey, Narberth, Dyfed, SA67 8UJ NW Trailers Ltd Trewyn Fawr Carrog Road Corwen Denbighshire LL21 9RW Oak Villa, Bagley, Ellesmere SY12 9BW Oaker Farm, Eyton, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0BZ Old Middle Hill, Walterston, Llancarfan, Barry, CF62 3AD Ollerton Business Park, Ollerton Ln, Market Drayton TF9 2DB Owain Llyr Livestock Tyn-y-Wern, Rhuthun, North Wales, UK, LL15 2NS P&D Engineering (Bredon) Ltd Fleet Lane, Bredon, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 7E P&L Agriconsulting Limited, Fields Farm, Alkington, Whitchurch, SY13 3NH Pallisers of Hereford Acorn Park, Yarkhill, Hereford HR1 3SX Pantyderi, Pentrebach, Lampeter SA48 7JR Parc Y Ddraig Farm, Penybryn, Cardigan, Pembrokeshire, SA43 2RX Pax Cottage Woonton Hereford HR3 6QH Penlanlas Uchaf, Talsarn, Lampeter SA48 8RB, UK Penlon, Cribyn, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7NL Penygroes, Mynyddygarreg, Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire. SA17 4RL Plot 7 (Yard to rear of Gordon’s Garage), Cillefwr Road West, Alltycnap Road, Johnstown, Carmarthen, SA31 3RB Pool Road SY16 1DD Newtown Postlethwaite Groundworks, Coben, Gaydon Road, Bishop's Itchington, Southam, CV47 2QZ Powercut Oaklands Mansion Cwmffrwd Carmarthen SA31 2ND Pritchard, Evans & Co 21 Carmarthen Street Llandeilo SA19 6AN R.O.Davies Garthmyl Llangernyw Abergele LL22 8RG Redstone Road, Narberth, Pembrokeshire, SA67 7ES Rhosfach, Llangolman, Clynderwen, Pembrokeshire, SA66 7JR Richard Taylor Agri Ltd Hill View Farm Tower Hill Road Mow Cop Stoke-on-Trent ST7 3PS Riverlea Tractors Ltd Millfield Trevaughan Whitland SA34 0QQ United Kingdom RJ AGRI Carregwen, Granston, Castle Morris, Letterston, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire. SA62 5UR Robert Davies Machinery Oakstead Works Ford Shrewsbury SY5 9NA Sa198uw Pumpsaint SA62 5RJ Puncheston SAVECO Environmental Ltd Unit 3B, Delta Drive, Tewkesbury Business Park, Tewkesbury, GL20 8HB Spa Motors (Mid Wales) Limited, The Old Fire Station, Tremont Road, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5EB Spring Gardens, Whitland, Carmarthenshire, SA34 0HN Station Road, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, SA38 9BX Storth Ltd, Stoneleigh Park Station Road, Holme Nr Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 1HR T.L. Thomas & Son Cross Roads Llanllwni Pencader Carmarthenshire SA39 9DY TAI HIRION, LLWYBR HIR, CAERWYS, CH7 5BL Talog, Carmarthen SA33 6PA, UK Tegfan Plant and Machinery Ltd Alltwalis Road, Pontarsais, Carmarthen, SA32 7DU Teiars Saracens Tyres Ltd King St, Cerrigydrudion, Corwen LL21 9ST The Coach House, Stanley, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3RG The Heritage Works, Caldicot Road, Rogiet, Monmouthshire, NP26 3TF The Mount, Llanfyllin, Powys, SY22 5LE The Old Ffinanat Farm Trefeglwys Caersws SY17 5QY Thornbury Court Farm, Thornbury, Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4NJ Timberlink Ltd, Sutton Road, Tern Hill, Market Drayton, TF9 2JH Tir Bont Farm, Foelgastell, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire SA14 7HL Tractors MENAI Tractors Dinas Llanwnda Caernarfon Gwynedd LL54 5UG Troedrhiw, Harford, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire, SA19 8DS Unit 4, Pontardulais Workshops, SA4 8SG Welshpool West Avenue, Talke. ST7 1TW Stoke-on-Trent Willow Wood Clarbeston Road Pembrokeshire SA63 4UN